An SME is a Subject Matter Expert. Remember this, as they
may lack expertise in other areas, such as learning, time management, design, graphics
and editorial skills. Nevertheless, they play an important role in the team. So
what do you say, practically, to an SME, at the start of a project?
1. What an SME is not
The SME is an expert in the subject, not the project
manager, designer, editor, graphic artists or tester. It must be crystal clear
what the ‘role’ entails. There’s no problem in allowing SMEs to play other
roles but be clear what those other roles are and the parameters within which
the SME will work in each of those roles. There tends to be a sort of skills
creep here, where the SME assumes they have overall design control and skills
beyond their ability and remit. Note that some SMEs have other skills but how
likely is it that they have project management, interface design, writing for screen, graphic, audio,
animation, video, technical, tool, copyright and interactive design skills? It pays, on both sides,
to be honest and realistic on who does what and why.
2. Define practical SME
Identify exactly what you require in terms of tools. Is
it Word, Google docs, templates, authoring tool? The there’s the format or template on the page/screen? Then there's the file format, file names and versioning. Where is the content to be stored?
Dropbox, sent in by email? Finally, there’s the issue of communication.
Establish rules for email communications, so that it is clear how often you
communicate and by what means. Why? Because things will slip. A full exchange of email addresses, Skype names,
Facebook, whatever, is always in order.
3. Time management
Don’t assume that your SME will deliver on time. Identify their holidays and other time commitments. SMEs, especially those new to the task, often underestimate the time that is needed, as content for online delivery needs to be substantial and of high quality, not a set of rough course notes. If it can slip, it will. Their expertise is rarely in the domain of project or time management. In fact, this may be their greatest weakness. First, build in some contingency, then allow for several iterations. Have a B-plan.
4. Define design
With freedom comes responsibility. While a SME should be
encouraged to be creative and to think about engagement, good learning
theory and strong pedagogy, there are real design constraints that need to be
explained. There’s the practical design constraints in terms of what can
be presented on the screen, technical constraints on types of media. It is vital that the SME grasps the concept of 'chunking' and the good use of media and media mix. It may be wise to provide
detailed guidelines in terms of a structured outline, word counts, even
5. SME may not be
final editorial eye
SME output will invariably have to be edited and cut down to
size. Writing is really all about rewriting, especially; a) when the SME is
used to writing papers, manuals and books; b) when the SME has never been
involved in teaching and learning. Most SME content needs an external eye, if
not a good editor. Explain the difference between the written word and text on
screen. Explain the need for cut-down, chunked content that does not overload
the learner and always leave room for an external eye and editor.
6. To err is human
It is important to foster a good team atmosphere, and the
right attitudes, from the start. Explain up front that things WILL go wrong and
not to get too hung up on the occasional spelling mistake. I mention 'spelling' as I’ve seen grown ups become demonic on the issue. I've lost count of the times that the production process has unvovered errors in the SME provided material, even from HE, even from supposedly quality assured content. In fact it is probable. To err is human and a good
collective spirit goes a long way.
7. Challenge on content and design
As the project progresses, it is important to challenge. On
the whole, after 30 plus years of doing this professionally, there is
overwhelming evidence to show that SMEs tend to shove too much stuff into
online learning experiences. It is the job of the project manager, designer, and others
in the team, to challenge that tendency, not only in terms of quantity but also
on the grounds of relevant skills and learning theory. They know what they know, you know what you
know – the two should not be confused.
8. Challenge on delivery
Another form of challenge is on delivery. It’s all very well being agile with SMEs but they have to deliver at the front-end of projects and need to know that others depend on their prompt and promised delivery. Explain these dependencies in detail, and this is important – also explain the fiscal and time consequences of non-delivery. In complex tech projects, there's often a scheduled graphic artist, audio recoding booked, whole video production team readt to roll and coders at the ready. The consequences of late delivery can be expensive, even catastrophic.
8. Challenge on delivery
Another form of challenge is on delivery. It’s all very well being agile with SMEs but they have to deliver at the front-end of projects and need to know that others depend on their prompt and promised delivery. Explain these dependencies in detail, and this is important – also explain the fiscal and time consequences of non-delivery. In complex tech projects, there's often a scheduled graphic artist, audio recoding booked, whole video production team readt to roll and coders at the ready. The consequences of late delivery can be expensive, even catastrophic.
8. Copyright
It is vital that materials supplied are copyright cleared
and that the team and SME understand the role of copyright with text, images, video
and so on. SME content often contains material, especially images, that is not
safe to publish online. On the other hand there is plenty of good copyright free stuff that is
10. Workshop to work
I highly recommend a workshop that covers all of the above
and more, to prepare and inform SMEs about what is expected and the rules of
the game. I’ve given these workshops and they work well. For me, they have to
be practical sessions where each of the following are covered:
ways to make badass INTROs in online
10 bloody
good reasons for using much-maligned
TEXT in online learning
10 text
layout FAILS
in online learning
essential online learning WRITING TIPS in
online learning
10 stupid
mistakes in design of MULTIPLE CHOICE questions
essential points on use of (recall not recognition) OPEN RESPONSE
10 rules on
how to create great GRAPHICS in
online learning
10 sound
pieces of advice on use of AUDIO in
online learning
10 ways
based on research to use VIDEO in online
10 ideas on
use of much maligned TALKING HEAD
videos in online learning
The whole SME thing is fraught with potential problems. As
for the debate around SMEs creating content on their own, I’ve been in this business
for a long time and I’ve seen no end of online learning experiences result in a
huge, soggy or fragmented mess through lack of understanding on how people learn, poor
interface design, poor media mix, huge dollops of unedited text and a lack of
design and editorial skills. You need a team.
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