Monday, June 10, 2024

Sam has ditched Satya for Tim – he’s so louche that lad! Apple Intelligence is here! New Siri and more...

Apple event features REALLY annoying presenters, but they finally join the GenAI club with Apple Intelligence. After showing the now compulsory ‘help me with my maths‘ example, they cut to the quick… it’s ChatGPT4 folks! 

Personal Intelligence

TTheir core idea is 'personal intelligence' as it understands your personal context. iPhone prioritises notifications, new writing tools (review, write and proofread etc) across all apps, even third party. Its email improvements, summaries of emails and so on, are super-cool. It will also intelligently prioritise your emails. Great for something I’ve been banging on about in learning – performance support. Apple are basically providing powerful, personal support across your entire online experience.

Images and video

On images it allows you to create images, including images of yourself, your friends and relatives, Sketch, Illustration and Animation styles built into apps across the system. Genmoji is a personal emoji creator, even an emoji that looks like your mates... that will be super-annoying. Image playground generation gives you styles, themes, costumes. Photoediting is super smart, getting things to disappear. Image wands allows you to circle, suggest and manipulate stuff.

There's also sound to text – great for student note taking and taking notes at work.

Search in video – clever. Great for performance support. Stories can be selected to a person and theme then strung together with music. Oh and there’s an API.

You can ask for personal stuff - remember that email I sent to... that picture I took of X last week... as it is personalising tools using personal data, the ‘who, what and whens’ of your life. 

Data privacy

This personal data is on-device processing so personal data is local. It can therefore use your personal data but with super-privacy features. An on-device semantic index helps keep it all local. Private cloud compute uses only data necessary for the task. It reaches out while still keeping your data private.


She’s gone from stupid to smart. Basically she’s now a chatbot that knows what you mean when you use ‘this’ and ‘that’ in sentences. It also has on-screen awareness and memory of what you have done. Siri knows your personal context – hotel bookings, photos you’ve taken, emails you’ve sent… porn you’ve accessed… no not that! 


What’s interesting is its agentic capabilities. It goes off and find stuff relevant to your request, flight info, external websites, things you’ve done locally. This has legs.

This is Apple, so it is integrated, user friendly and personal


One thing they have done well is the M3 chip, giving device AI functionality - that lay behind much of what was delivered here and may be critical in terms of practical and secure delivery of AI. It literally gives them 'edge' in the market. They're reallly a consumer company, unlike Microsoft (apart from games), which makes edge computing and iPhone delivery more important. Lots of the features were consumer oriented.

This is AI for the rest of us – not just work but performance support for life. Well done. Every generation needs a revolution and through this revolution we become more of ourselves.

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