Feedback is seen as a key feature of good teaching, yet precise research and theory is hard to find. Black and Wiliam published a well-researched and influential paper, Inside the Black Box, that recommended methods of feedback, making it more focused and potent. William claims that this is the sweet spot in improving productivity in schools, even beyond lower class sizes.
Inside the Black
classroom is the ‘black box’ and they attempt to change teaching with clear
advice on ‘formative assessment’. This is the powerful lever, they claim, that
unlocks potential through good teaching. Most educational policies focus on
‘summative assessment’ yet this is an end-point, when it is often too late to
influence the learner. Even on formative feedback they researched the common
practice of straight or primitive marking as opposed to constructive guidance
and feedback from teachers. Marking as formative
assessment may do more damage than most educators realise.
Praise the work not
the child
Too many students ‘get by’ and seek tactics that lead to good
marks not good learning. ‘Never praise a
child, praise what they did’ says Professor Black, and by this he meant
praise the work of the learner and not the learner. To
praise the student encourages two ideas that are powerfully corrosive in
learning; a) the idea that it’s all down to ability b) the idea that the
‘teacher’ likes me. To counter this, teachers must praise the work and effort,
not ability of the student. Nor should teachers compare students with other
students. Praising the person also stops students from trying harder. Learners
must believe they can change for the better.
Avoid ‘hands up’
They observed that teachers jump in too early when asking
questions (often less than a second) and often answering their own questions.
They are critical of teachers that rely on ‘hands up’ techniques, as it
encourages the extroverts and achievers but discourages the rest. It also encourages,
not diagnostic or ‘hinge’ questions that reveal understanding but the simple knowledge
of facts.
Constructive, formative feedback
His advice is to target questions to individuals, then wait, for
at least three seconds. Tasks should elicit thoughtful reflection, students be
given time and asked to express their ideas. Don’t pass judgement as every answer deserves a positive
response in terms of building confidence and not knocking students down. You
have to steer between being too dominant and too open, but steering students in
the right direction is the real art of feedback. Asking the right questions get right answers so teachers
must reflect in depth on the questions they ask. Many questions
just fill time or don’t stretch the students or probe understanding. Hinge
questions are carefully structured to diagnose students, which is why coloured
cards and clickers can accelerate a teacher’s diagnosis of whole class
performance. Comments on student work is hard work but some simple rules help.
Avoid vague, general, ‘Needs more
detail….expand…add a few thoughts of your own’ comments. Be specific about errors
and recommend a specific positive action. A good comment would be, ‘You’ve used ‘particle’, ‘element’ and
‘compound’ in your answer, look at the glossary in your textbook to see how
they differ’.
Evils of marking
A terminal test promotes the
idea that it marks an end-point. Tests are therefore seen by learners as
terminal. You’ve passed or failed, a success or failure,
bright or dim. It is far better for teachers to deliver feedback in the form of
specific comments that point to improvement. For many learners, marked tests
are literally the mark of Cain, as they leave their psychological mark, for the
majority a mark of failure. The mark is seen as a score on fixed ability,
fixing in the mind of the learner a view of themselves. It says nothing
meaningful about how they can change and improve. Even for high scorers, full
competence is rarely the aim, so they see a high mark as ‘having done enough’
and take their foot off the pedal. A score, rather than understanding and
improvement, becomes the goal. It promotes the idea that you need to pass the
test, not master the subject. In short, for Black and William, we need to focus
more on ‘formative’, not ‘summative’ assessment.
They recommend high quality, small, frequent tests that require good feedback.
It is the feedback on what they don’t know, not that which the student got
right, that leads to learning.
Black quotes an important study
of 132 mixed ability, Y7 students in 12 classes across 4 schools. The students
were given three types of feedback:
1) Marks,
2) Comments,
3) Marks plus comments.
The ‘Comments' only
group had a significant attainment gain with NO gain in the 'Marks' only
and 'Marks plus comments’ groups. Increased interest and motivation was
positive with all in the ‘Comments’ only group but only positive with
high achievers in the ‘Marks’ and ‘Marks plus comments’ groups,
where low achievers registered lower interest and motivation. This is at first
puzzling. Why does more feedback 'Marks plus comments' have such a
negative effect? The researchers concluded that ‘marks’ signalled the end of
the matter, a terminal test, which stopped learning and further interest. The
message is clear - hold back on marking in formative assessment.
They see teachers’ traditional views of learning (transmission)
and traditional views on ability (fixed IQs) as being the main barriers to
effective formative feedback. For Black and William it is quite clear that
teachers should not be left to their own devices on this subject. They need
professional development and support. Self and peer assessment also raises the
quality of formative assessment while taking pressure off the teacher.
and formative feedback
Technology, in the form of self-paced e-learning content,
simulations, games and adaptive learning have all contributed to increasing the
level of feedback in learning. In real time simulations and games, such as
flight simulators, the feedback is continuous and in real time. More recently. In
adaptive learning, powerful back-end algorithms have supported sophisticated feedback,
especially in maths, based on what the learner has done, where they want to go,
presenting the right content and feedback, dynamically on their learning
there evidence that improving formative assessment raises standards? Yes. Is
there evidence that there is room for improvement? Yes. Is there evidence about
how to improve formative assessment? Yes. Black and
Wiliam shone a spotlight on a critical weakness in educational theory and
policies – the lack of focus on effective teaching and, in particular,
formative feedback, which they believe is the key to increasing the
effectiveness of teaching and learning in schools.
Black P & Wiliam D (1998) Inside
the Black Box Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment http://weaeducation.typepad.co.uk/files/blackbox-1.pdf
“Assessment in Education” (Black and Wiliam, 1998)
Dylan Wiliam's ALT-C 2007 keynote Assessment, learning and technology: prospects at the periphery of control is worth spending time on:
1. Slides and video of the talk, captured as an Elluminate Live! session [~75 MB].
2. Text transcript [75 kB PDF].
3. Slides [400 kB PDF].
4. MP3 recording [12 MB].
Dylan's "Teachers do not create learning, and yet most teachers behave as if they do. Learners create learning. Teachers create the conditions under which learning can take place.", drawing on Guy Claxton, has always stuck in my mind.
Not sure why this isn't being done in a wiki, and there is no creative commons license, so I guess it is for a future book.
But some may be interested also in:
Issues, Examples, and Challenges
in Formative Assessment
Earl Hunt, James W. Pellegrino
The End(s) of Testing - Eva Baker AERA Presidential Address
Formative Teaching Methods - Geoff Petty handout
And of course several books on the topic - some recent ones:
Embedded Formative Assessment
The Formative Assessment Action Plan: Practical Steps to More Successful Teaching and Learning
Thanks Doug - good additional resources. In answer to your query. I'm a blogger and doing this for fun, so simply wanted the release these on a one-a-day 'vibe'. I suppose Wikipedia does the wiki thing already and as for Creative Commons - not really thought about it. This stuff is on the blog and I don't plan to write a book, unless it's an e-book that simply brings it all together. Thanks for the interest.
Thanks for this post Donald. Always enjoy reading your take on things.
One technique that has become synonymous with the Assessment is for Learning agenda is the two stars and a wish one. Initially I thought that this was a good idea/approach as I thought it was a purposeful way of getting learners to engage in real discussion about their and others learning. However, over the past few years I have seen my own children subject to this from their own teachers (no disrespect to them in this) and I wonder what the effect of always having a wish on their work means for them growing up as a learner. I have seen them submit a pretty good piece of work that they have tried so hard with and put real effort into it but still there is that wish...it's never ever quite good enough is it. I am concerned at how we possibly fall in to the trap of using the techniques or methodologies that we as a profession are assured or are told are effective without giving any critical professional consideration of what it actually means.
Imagine always being told that what you do is never quite good enough, that there is ALWAYS something you can improve on. Sometimes I wish there wasn't a wish.
Exceptional post however , I was wanting to know if you could write a litte more on this subject? I'd be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit further. Cheers!
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