WE-THINK - I think not
WE-THINK is his latest offering and it is no better than his previous efforts. He desperately tries to get this phrase into comon parlance through repetition in this rather dull book, but fails.
However, in his defence I did come across a rather interesting paper, amazingly, commissioned by the Innovation Unit. This unit is famous for NEVER answering emails or engaging with anyone in the real world. You could only ever get near them by attending boring government meetings. They were about as uninnovative (is that a real word), and closed to ideas, as you can get.
Then again, this is a very readable document, and although hopelessly optimistic, it is brimming with ideas. I loved this quote, “It is very difficult to get teachers away from the idea that learning can only happen when they are in charge of everything. They have to realise that learning sometimes happens precisely because they are not in charge of everything but the pupils are.” And here are the 21 ideas:
21 Ideas for 21st Century Learning
1. Individual Budgets and Self Directed Support Plans for Families at Risk
2. Emotional Resilience Programme
3. The Learning Concierge Service
4. Break up Large Schools
5. The Peer Learner Programme
6. The Personal Challenge
7.. Personal Learning Plans and Portfolios
8. A Right to Intensive Mentoring
9. Personal Budgets for Young People in Danger of Becoming NEET
10. Investors in Learning
11. Schools as Productive Enterprises
12. Scrap the Six Week Summer Holiday
13. The School of Everything for Schools
14. Community-Based Teacher
15. Third Spaces
16. Whole School Projects for the Community
17. Local Education Compacts
18. Participatory Budgeting
19. Leadership Teams not Headteachers
20. Wider Measures of Progress and Outcomes
21. A National Curriculum for Capabilities
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