Of course, writing good test items is
far more difficult than many imagine. Many make obvious mistakes. An interesting way to coming at
this problem is to do some reverse engineering. If you think this doesn’t work, think
again. Poundstone number crunched 100 tests with a total of 2456 questions to
get some of these statistical biases.
the test designer
So here goes with my 20 ways to
cheat Multiple Choice tests:
1. Skip the hard questions, mark them with a cross, and go back to them. This means you’ll not
lose marks for unanswered easy questions.
2. Cover the options and try to answer. Prevents being misled by clever wrong
3. If in doubt choose ‘B’, poor questions designers do not truly randomise the right options and
have a bias towards ‘B’. Next best is ‘C’.
4. If in doubt choose the
‘longest option’.
Question designers often cannot make a right option any shorter, but have
complete freedom with wrong options. This is quite common.
5. If in
doubt choose TRUE, in true/false questions, as they come easier to mind for
6. Reverse
answers. Statistically, there is more T/F alteration in tests than in truly randomized sequences, as the brain struggles to randomise properly. So, if you’re sure you’ve got one right, reverse the next answer.
7. Eliminate the outlier. Look for similarities in options and eliminate outliers e.g. 4p-q,
2p+q, 4p+q, 3p+q. Look for these internal patterns.
8. If two options are opposites, one is likely to be correct. Designers tend to create the opposite of the right answer as their first distractor, so one of them is likely to be correct.
9. Favour options with careful
qualifiers, such as
‘sometimes, occasionally etc.’ as tested knowledge usually has more finite than
absolute qualities.
10. Be wary of options with absolute qualifiers, such as ‘always, never etc’. As these are
often too definite to be correct.
11. Choose a middle order option i.e. out of 100, 150. 200, 250,
choose 150 or 200. Designers tend to have a bias, where right answers tend to
be lower than the highest and higher than the lowest option.
12. For questions that demand an ‘except’ or ‘not’, mark each option with a T for true
and F for false against each option. And underline the word ‘not’ as it’s
sometimes missed.
13. ‘All of the above’ and ‘None of the
above’ are both
significantly likely to be correct. For it to be
correct, the writer has to design options that were all correct, so, if you
can’t spot any wrong answers, or see that two or more are correct, it increases
the probability of ‘All of the above’ being correct. Similarly with ‘None of
the above’.
14. Typo or punctuation error, the option is likely to be wrong. Writers tend to proofread correct
answers only.
15. Look for grammatical agreement between the question and its
options; ‘An.....’ and words starting with vowels or agreement between subject,
object or verb.
16. If you’re stuck, go with the ‘Least bad rule’. Eliminate least likely answers
17. Look for clues about answers from other questions. Designers often, unintentionally,
put clues, even answers, to questions in other questions.
18. Ignore never heard of answers. If you’ve never heard of the
answer, it’s likely to be made up and incorrect.
19. Go with your first impression. The more you read, the more you
tend to read into the wrong options.
20. Always guess, unless there is a penalty. It’s a
1 in 4 chance, so don’t give it up.
This crib
sheet can be used by students or question designers to improve their tests.
Next post - how to write a great MC question...
And there's 500 more tips like these, all categorised, here.
And there's 500 more tips like these, all categorised, here.
1 comment:
Hi Donald!
Great story - starting from questions should be made mandatory in every learning cycle!-)
Starting from questions provides many advantages. Here are some:
- everybody in the team gets active already in planning phase
- you can see what are the real issues before investing your resources
- you can assess the course validity and effectiveness on advance
- sometimes you notice that answering questions is enough - funner and more effective way of learning!
We introduced our adLearning concept in the OEB2014. Since then we have tested our method to create questions at the start of courses in collaboration between teachers and students and we have very interesting results from Finland. OFTEN THE STUDENTS CAN CREATE BETTER QUESTIONS THAN TEACHERS! Apparently, it is true that when you learn something you start to forget what was difficult.
I'm looking forward to see your next post.
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Jussi Tuominen
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